ERCCC offering special sessions starting Tuesday
The Elkins-Randolph County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting strategic planning meetings beginning on Tuesday to help gather community input for the organization’s mission focus moving forward.
“It’s been a few years since the Chamber did strategic planning, so we are starting a strategic planning initiative right now,” ERCCC Executive Director Lisa Wood told The Inter-Mountain Thursday. “It’s both for the Chamber and for community input. We want to know what people are looking for and what the chamber can do to help with that.”
The Chamber of Commerce will host 10 separate meetings beginning with its first session at noon Tuesday. Each of the meetings will be held at the West Virginia Wood Technology Center on 11th Street.
“We are having 10 sessions with each one lasting no longer than 60 minutes,” Wood said. “We are using a SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. So it’s a conversation about what we are doing right both at the chamber and in the community.
“It’s just a way for us to compile data, get community input, and then take those 10 sessions and use that data to decide where we are going.”